Also click on next link at the top of the page on the right "DC's Musical Production of Joy of Christmas" to preview video & then go to my facebook page to see a ton of pictures & two video clips from this morning's incredible Christmas Service at USC's Galen Center. There are too many to post here (takes too long to upload on the blogspot page).
See quick video clip preview below & then please go to my facebook page for pictures and video clips of the amazing musical production, "Joy of Christmas" which was at Angelus Temple from 12-11 thru 12-15-08 and also Christmas Service at USC's Galen Center on 12/21/08!
Christmas at 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica (I like the guy on the right leaning against a tree playin' his guitar)
Christmas in Beverly Hills (below) -- Wilshire Boulevard
Deck the Hills!
Fireworks at the Grove Sun. nite (from my apt. window)... sorry, you have to turn your head sideways, but not for sound! :-) (woops! forgot!)
And last but not least, Steelers Game (Thurs. Night Football) at Yankee Doodles in Third Street Promenade & then entertainment follows that (a multi-cultural dancing group called "One Love" -- their basic message: kids, don't do drugs... & there's one race, the Human Race) (I recorded the whole thing but it's too large a file to publish on this blog. It's really good, too, if anyone has any ideas? Maybe YouTube...)
Guest Minister, T.D. Jakes (The Potter's House, Dallas, TX) ... (Jeremiah 18:1-11)
...fills God's house...
musical guest, Mary, Mary... "I Worship You..."
Dream Center Dancers ...we are conquerors...
...Press Play / worship team elevates (look closely at Tyler & Joel's feet)... "Life Is Beautiful" !
An absolutely amazing night of God's outpouring. Too many people to count were saved and went forward at the end of the night. It was too sacred a moment to take a picture.
Awwww.... Pastor Matthew honors his wife, Caroline, for her 30th birthday with New Kids on the Block medley, sung by Joel. Notice Pastor M in background doin' the cell phone wave :-)
( MASTERS COMMISSION ) Correction! Discipleship & Teen Discipleship Graduates give testimonies.
And teen graduate, Mari, preaches the sermon!
"You broke the chains now I can lift my hands!" Praise God for another amazing morning at the Dream Center!