Guest Minister, T.D. Jakes (The Potter's House, Dallas, TX) ...
(Jeremiah 18:1-11)

...fills God's house...

musical guest, Mary, Mary... "I Worship You..."

Dream Center Dancers ...we are conquerors...

...Press Play / worship team elevates (look closely at Tyler & Joel's feet)... "Life Is Beautiful" !
An absolutely amazing night of God's outpouring. Too many people to count were saved and went forward at the end of the night. It was too sacred a moment to take a picture.
These are beautiful pictures. The night was so full of God and love. We took our 20 yr old son and his friend that night, my son had just gotten out of a mental facility weds for trying to kill himself on sunday. Bishop Jake's obedience to sharing Gods love and giving His message was so powerful and spot on for my sons life, he practically leaped over us and the people next to us to get to that alter.. It was a moment that was very sacred. Thank you for sharing your pictures. I just wish I had a cd of that teaching or video or something..
Dear Julie,
What a beautiful message and testimony; thank you for writing. My son has also been suicidal so I know what you are going through. I hope you see this message. I also found out that T.D. Jakes' CD & DVD is available at church. In fact, I picked up a DVD myself this morning for my family. You can also order online at !
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you, your son & family.
In Jesus' love,
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