This has been a full & GREAT week (I can say that now), and it's not over yet. Was it only this past Monday that I took my first (dreaded) bus ride to Santa Monica? Why do I "dread" and not "expect great things"?????
Phil. 4:8 from Pastor Matthew’s sermon last Sunday has stuck with me & helped so much all week, even tho’ it was a challenge to think of examples for every adjective… or is it adverb?! Pure, noble, praiseworthy, true… I kept thinking of Jesus! Well, that’s good!
Ever since I prayed this summer for the Lord to give me “signs” thru numbers (while reading some of Lou Engle’s great stories on the plane to LA), He has done this, EVERY DAY NO JOKE. I always consider this as His affirmation that I’m on the right path (His will)… that’s all. Numbers 11, 111, & 222, espec. Well, there on the “accordion” bus (is that what they’re actually called?) Anyway, on “America’s Best” Metro Transit to Santa Monica on Monday, I happened to look up & there’s address 2222. Thursday there were TWO incidents of 11111 (one on drive to work, one on drive on way home on COMPLETELY different route because traffic was soooooo bad). Anyway, I just segued ;-) I’m NOT superstitious. And I’m NOT intentionally looking for these #s.
At address 2222 Wilshire, a store called “Earth, Wind & Flour” !!!
The bus does move along at a clip, and I did have to stand once for about 5 miles. I came to find out during the week that there are a few others at my office who take the bus as well! I was asked by one co-worker if I was telling everyone the “Good News of Jesus Christ” on the bus! I smiled (because that is my desire!) & responded that I keep my eyes & ears open. There was an elderly Asian lady however on the ride home passing out tracts (but they kind of had that look of Jehovah Witness pamphlets if you know what I mean… but maybe not. I should have taken one but instead my response was, oh, thanks! I already know Jesus! I’m saved!… as I felt others listening on…) (oh yeah, Mon. morn., my devotions in Our Daily Bread (www.rbc.org) started out, get this, "A newspaper ad showed three people waiting for a city bus..." about praying "while we wait"... (in traffic!) I liked this line in the devo, "During those seasons when we wonder, "How did I get here & when can I leave?" !!!
I think I’ve mentioned that the Lord answered one of my many (routine) prayers & I met a believer at my office. Isn't that so cool?! anyway...
I’m still learning bus protocol. I was walking toward Wilshire & Fairfax one morn. & saw my bus stopped at the red light almost ready to roll (not in the bus lane). I ran up to the door, and the lady driver just looked at me & gave me the stink eye & wouldn’t open the door… so, embarrassed, I walked back over to the bus stop w/all the other people & obediently waited for the next America’s Best bus. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right… pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy… think about such things.” I love the next verse, espec. the end: “…AND THE GOD OF PEACE WILL BE WITH YOU.”
Oh, yeah, Monday (my first dreaded bus ride to Santa Monica) the accordion bus was too crowded to get in the first door where you pay so they told us to go in the back door & never charged us (thought of “Free Ride” song… DC Talk does a version! As I plugged my ipod into my ears… yes, I too have become “one of those”.) A major blessing was I didn’t have to transfer buses (my biggest fear because of wait & time factor… see? The majority of the time we worry about things, they don’t even happen!)
I did have a blonde moment last week (just one, honestly)… walked to the ATM & I don’t know if it’s my eyesight or the blinking lights on the machine were malfunctioning, but I couldn’t figure out where to put in my (brand new) ATM card. I thought the picture indicated to drop it in vertically, so that’s what I did… & immediately I got a knot in my stomach realizing that I had dropped it down into the front of the machine itself. Well, thankfully, the bank worker inside said, oh, no problem & went inside & retried it for me. He even made an excuse to help me feel better… “These are old machines; they’ll be replaced soon.”
One day a lady almost ran me over as I was walking in the crosswalk from Ocean Park (yes, I was obeying the walk sign) but surprisingly she rolled down her window & yelled a big nice apology: “SORRY!” Then I had the same opportunity to apologize myself later in the week after I erroneously BLASTED MY HORN – AND I MEAN BLASTED -- at this poor guy and I was wrong, not readily noticing the lane curving. Right in Beverly Hllls, too. (notice the “111” lol!)
Shifting gears here (again!), twittering & tweeting (on twitter.com – ck it!) has been so much “fun” and I’m feeling more connected to my church family HERE, but it’s making me realize I’ve been living a sheltered life? Never heard of Steak & Shake or Ruth Chris steakhouse, and have not yet had a Pinkberry OR Yogurtland… BUT I HAVE HAD A FANCY CUPCAKE FROM “VANILLA” ;-) And I spontaneously gave my fancy free Starbucks Portobello & spinach Panini to the sweet-eyed transient man standing outside.
Now getting to the most recent events… last night, had an absolutely BLESSED night on Santa Monica Pier with Christian rock group Disciple. I noticed a bulletin they posted early in the week that they were going to be hanging out there, and I work so close, so I made a plan to go & am so glad I did. Thus, the pictures…
Lastly & most importantly, some very serious issues… praying for the many Christians who are being persecuted in Orissa, India & the upcoming election… forwarded out emails on same to everyone I could think of (if I missed you let me know! I have another good one from GodTV’s Wendy Alec)… anyway, Prayer warrior & Intercessor Dutch Sheets wrote an awesome email getting our focus turned back to the importance of continued progression in the Supreme Court re: saving the lives of babies. These are the most important issues. And next, the economy is a mess of course… pretty obvious why. But still, many of us have fallen into the same “traps” financially (1 Tim. 6:6-8 always settles me down) & the thought of a “year of jubilee”. Aren’t our bankruptcy laws based on the “year of jubilee”??? (however, I just heard the law changed to every 8 years, not 7… yet another law which is not Biblical! Oy, another segue'…)
Well, I hope you were able to bear with this long blog! I guess I have lots to say! Lots is happening! I am thankful. I feel better now (sore throat virus or whatever it was is gone).
I love & miss you all ESPECIALLY MY HUSBAND & KIDS. I wish they were here, for one so we could all go to church together as usual; also, so my husband can come with me on all my adventures (aside from America’s Best Metro rides! Oh, but that’s where most of the fun happens!) Wondering when we’ll all be “settled” again in these “unsettling” times. Pls. pray for us too!
Thank you for all your notes / emails!!! Tomorrow I’m EXPECTING GREAT THINGS! …another great & encouraging service at Angelus Temple, a picnic in the park afterwards for all the small group leaders & leaders to be, and then Steeler-mania at my sister’s with hoagies! Now off to Ventura to visit dear friends, Brenda & Rory. Another BEAUTIFUL day in So. Cali.
Looking up, watching & waiting for Jesus’ return,
Love & blessings,
Linda <><